Scrapbook and memory keeping.

This is why I scrapbook.

From time to time I come across people who wish they could find the time to sit down and make an album or a scrapbook. They wonder how I find time to make these gorgeous albums of mine.
Well, I do not have much time for it. Simply put. But I do try to make it a priority in my daily life. I told myself to spend 5 minutes every evening to sit down and write a few words about my day. Another daily goal is to take pictures each day, some days I take a lot and other days I completely forget it. But the important thing is that I try. The quality or subject of the pictures I take is not something epic or never before seen. It is my everyday experiences, the food I am eating, the book I am currently reading or something I found amusing. If you decide to start your own project, remeber what is important to you. Capture that moment that made you laugh or the delicious dish you had at that new restaurant.

Then there are those who do not understand why I spend time on this at all. Well I do this because I wish to remember, I want my children to be able to look back at their earlier years and remember. One day I will be old, I might forget who I am, what I have lived through and who my children were. I wish to tell my story. I will have books filled with memories, feelings and love. That is why I scrapbook. And my children love their books, and I love looking through their albums with them.

I hope you feel inspired to try your own way of preserving your memories. Perhaps you'll try your hand at scrapbooking, or just a journal to write down your thoughts. If you do decide to start your own project, remeber what is important to you. Capture that moment that made you laugh or the delicious dish you had at that new restaurant.

I hope to share more on how I make my pages, so keep an eye out if this is something you might want to read about.